Art of the Graphic Memoir

Art of the Graphic Memoir

Tell Your Story, Change Your Life

by Tom Hart (Author)
Trade Paperback, 175 pages
Current Retail Price: $24.95
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

#1 New York Times bestselling author and Eisner-nominated cartoonist Tom Hart has written a poignant and instructive guide for all aspiring graphic memoirists detailing the tenets of artistry and story-telling inherent in the medium. Hart examines what makes a graphic memoir great, and shows you how to do it. With two dozen professional examples and a deep-dive into his own story, Hart encourages readers to hone their signature style in the best way to represent their journeys on the page.

With clear examples and visual aids, The Art of the Graphic Memoir is emotive, creative, and accessible. Whether you're a comics fan, comic book creator, memoirist, biographer or autobiographer, there’s something inside for everyone.

NOTE: Some of the samples referenced in this book may contain questionable content, including worldview, sexual, and violence. Parents are cautioned to review this book first. 

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