Adventures of Tommy Blake

Adventures of Tommy Blake

by Brother Ernest
©1942, Item: 91775
Hardcover, 240 pages
Used Price: $9.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Those many youthful readers who have accorded a hearty welcome to the fictional creations of Brother Ernest will be happy to make the acquaintance of Tommy Blake. Child of an atheist father and a devoutly Catholic mother, he was from his earliest days made the object of a battle of love, one parent attempting to brighten his life with all the joys money could buy, the other insisting that nothing could make him truly happy if religion were not to play its proper part in his life. This book presents Tommy's loyal efforts to cling to that faith which he had learned to be the most important element in existence. A healthy American boy, Tommy will win the hearts of all who learn to know him in these pages; at the same time he will unobtrusively teach his young friends the all-important lesson that religion is a boy's most valuable possession - a treasure whose preservation is worth even the many hardships that entered into The Adventures of Tommy Blake.

This copy signed by the author.

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