Adventures of Tintin - Young Readers Collection

Adventures of Tintin - Young Readers Collection

by Herge
Item: 47506
List Price: $65.96 Sale Price: $56.07

The Tintin Young Readers editions are small paperback versions of Tintin comics. Although they are smaller (like the hardcover 3-in-1 editions), they have the same exact layout as the full-size graphic novels. As a bonus, these also include information compiled by "Tintinologist" Michael Farr and culled from books like The Complete Tintin Companion and Tintin & Co, explaining characters and the history of each book, and including a number of photographs Herge used as models for his drawings.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the publisher is not planning to publish more of these, and they've actually let several titles go out of print. 

This Set Includes

  1. Tintin in America (out of print)
  2. Cigars of the Pharaoh (out of print)
  3. Blue Lotus
  4. Tintin and the Broken Ear (out of print)
  5. Black Island (out of print)
  6. King Ottakar's Scepter
  7. Crab With the Golden Claws
  8. Shooting Star (out of print)
  9. Secret of the Unicorn (out of print)
  10. Red Rackham's Treasure
  11. Seven Crystal Balls
  12. Prisoners of the Sun

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